Top Selling
Leica Viva GS14 GNSS RTK Rover
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Leica
- Model: Viva GS14 GNSS RTK Rover
- Included: Leica GS14 GNSS Rover Antenna Receiver [ID- -L/T*], Battery Pack, Battery Charger, Antenna, Carrying Case
$4.000 $8.000
Leica Nova TS60 Total Station
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Leica
- Model: Nova TS60 Total Station
- Included: Leica Nova TS60, Battery, Charger, Transport case, Leica Captivate Software, Includes one year of technical support
$11.000 $22.000
Sciaps Z-901 LIBS Analyzer – Brand New
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Sciaps
- Model: Z-901
- Condition: New
- Included: Battery, AC adapter/ Charger, Power cord for AC adapter, Hard Carrying Case
$5.500 $11.900
Leica ScanStation C10 3D Laser Scanner
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Leica
- Model: ScanStation C10 3D Laser Scanner
- Included: Leica ScanStation C10 3D Laser Scanner [ID X3833-L/T*], Leica Battery Charger #852413, Leica Power Cable, AC Adapter/Charger, User Manual On CD, Hard Carrying Case (G)
$6.000 $12.000
Bruker S1 Titan 800 XRF Analyzer
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Bruker
- Model: S1 Titan 800
- Included: Software CD, Battery Charger, 2 x Batteries, AC/DC Adapter with Charger, Calibration Coin, 200.0061 Ultralene Window, Hard Carrying Case
$3.300 $6.100
Spectro xSort Alloy Plus
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Spectro
- Model: xSort Alloy Plus
- Included: USB PC Interface Cable, AC Adapter/Charger, User’s manual, Training book, Hard Carrying Case
$3.100 $6.200
Leica AT401 Laser Tracker
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Leica
- Model: AT401 Laser Tracker
- Included: AT401 Tracker, Controller, Tripod, Two 0.5 reflectors, Reflector mounts, Laptop, Polyworks Inspector Probing 2014 software
$6.500 $13.000
Olympus DE2000 Delta Element XRF Analyzer
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Olympus
- Model: DE2000 Delta Element XRF Analyzer
- Included: Olympus DE-2000 Delta Element XRF Analyzer w/ Testing Modes: Alloy, Precious Metals., Olympus 316 SS Standardization Coin, Battery Pack, Olympus Battery Charger, AC Adapter/Charger, Power Cord, USB PC Interface Cable, Hard Carrying Case
$3.700 $6.400
Olympus GoldXpert XRF Analyzer
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Olympus
- Model: GoldXpert
- Included: Battery, Charger, Power Supply, Calibration Standard, Carrying Case, User Manual on CD-ROM
$2.900 $5.500
Oxford X-MET 7000 Express XRF Analyzers
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Oxford Instruments
- Model: X-MET 7000 Express XRF Analyzers
- Included: Carrying Case, 2 Lithium Ion Batteries, Charger and AC Cable, User’s Manual
$4.500 $9.000
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Pruftechnik Rotalign Ultra IS Laser Shaft Alignment
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Pruftechnik
- Model: Rotalign Ultra IS Laser Shaft Alignment
- Included: Rotalign SensALIGN Laser ALI 4.910, Rotalign SensALIGN Sensor ALI 4.900, PC/USB Cable, USB/Peripheral Device Cable, Rotalign SensALIGN Sensor & Laser Cable, Rotalign SensALIGN Charger/Adapter, Set Chain Bracket Set ALI 2.113, Vibration Check Probe, (2) Allen Wrenches, Pocket Guide, (27) Support Posts w/ Case, AC Adapter/Charger, User Manual, Carrying Case
$3.000 $6.000
Creaform GoSCAN SPARK 3D Scanner
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Creaform
- Model: GoSCAN SPARK 3D Scanner
- Included: GoSCAN SPARK Scanner unit, VXelements software, 4m USB cable, Power supply, Calibration plate, 1,000 reflective targets, Maintenance – Go! SCAN SPARK, VXelements software update, Transport case
$12.000 $24.000
Hitachi XMET 8000 Expert Handheld Analyzer
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Hitachi
- Model: XMET 8000 Expert Handheld Analyzer
- Included: Battery charger, 2 X Li-ion batteries, USB cable, USB memory stick containing the User Manual and the Safety Manual, Light travel stand with safety shield, Light radiation shield, Background plate, Holster and belt, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity, carrying case
$3.900 $7.800
Trimble TX6 3D Laser Scanner
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Trimble
- Model: TX6 3D Laser Scanner
- Included: Trimble TX6, Professional tripod, a spare suitcase and a bottom liner, 2 X bay battery charger, 3 X Trimble batteries
$5.000 $10.000
eSurvey E600 H GPS GNSS Receiver
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: ESurvey
- Model: E600 H GPS GNSS Receiver
- Included: eSurvey E600 Base, eSurvey E600 Rover, P9 Pro data collector, 2 X protective transport box, 2 X receivers, 2 X radio antennas, 2 X Batteries, 2 X Battery Charger with cables + 6 adapter tips for power supply networks, 2 X links for clamp, 2 X tapes
$4.000 $8.000
Olympus Innov-X Delta DCC-2000
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Olympus
- Model: DCC-2000
- Included: Testing Mode (Alloy, Mining), Olympus 316 SS Standardization Coin, Battery Pack, Power Cord, Charging Dock, User Manual On CD-ROM, Carrying Case
$2.100 $3.900
Creaform MaxSHOT 3D
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Creaform
- Model: MaxSHOT 3D
- Included: Intuitive software diagnostic tools, Laser projected frame with GO/NO-GO real-time feedback on measurement pictures, Multi-function buttons for easy interaction with VXelements software, Intuitive controls and operations
$6.500 $13.000
MALA Professional Explorer GPR
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: MALA
- Model: Professional Explorer
- Included: ProEx Control Unit, ProEx Module – Optical, Li-ion Battery 11.1 V/6.6 Ah (15 pin)Li-ion Battery Charger 12.6 V H01110030 incl. EU/UK/US power cord, Ethernet Communication Cable 1.2 m (black), Ethernet Communication Cable 3.0 m (black), MALA USB Software and Manuals Package, Shipping Case for ProEx Control Unit, 100-800 MHz Shielded Electronics Unit, 3m Multi-fiber cable for 100-800 MHz Shielded Antenna System, Li-ion Battery 11.1 V/6.6 Ah (15 pin), Li-ion Battery Charger 12.6 V H01110030 incl. EU/UK/US power cord, Backpack for ProEx, Monitor/PC Holder for ProEx & CUII (attach to backpack)
$3.500 $7.000
Vanta L Series Olympus XRF Analyzer
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Olympus
- Model: Vanta L Series Olympus XRF Analyzer
- Included: Carrying Case, Accessories, Manual, Charger, Cable, Stand
$4.300 $8.600
Leica FlexLine TS09 Plus Total Station
Rated 0 out of 5
- Manufacturer: Leica
- Model: FlexLine TS09 plus Total Station
- Included: 1x Leica TS09 plus 1″ (0.3 mgon) Total Station with:, Reflectorless R1000 EDM, 1 Full Keyboard, GSD04 Communication Kit Sidecover with USB Memory Stick, User Manual, Carry case, 1x Standard Accessory Set – consisting of:, 1x Leica GDF111-1 Basic Tribrach Without Optical Plum, 2x Leica GEB211 Li-Ion 2Ah Battery, 1x Leica GKL211 Basic Battery Charger for GEB221/211, 1x Leica GEV189 Data Transfer Cable Lemo – USB 2m, 1x Leica GMP111-0 Basic Mini Prism & Pole, 1x 1yr Warranty and Basic Customer Care Package
$5.500 $11.000
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